It’s the age old question for a signwriter. And years ago, the answer would have been very different. But today, we can quite confidently tell you.
So, what lasts longer? Is it paint or is it vinyl?
The short answer is vinyl. When correctly applied to a metal surface, a cast vinyl will last longer than paint, which is why we only ever use cast vinyl for our longest lasting signs.
The removal of lead additives in paint has meant that the outdoor life of enamels has reduced, and while acrylics are now gaining popularity, the longevity of cast vinyl is still far better for signage.
Think about this: What happens to car paint when you don’t wax or polish it? It dies within a few years.
No one expects paint to last forever, but when signs are made out of vinyl, no waxes or polishes ever touch them. So how on earth is it possible for vinyl to last longer?
It all comes down to how the vinyl has been created.
Vinyl is short for Polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. As we know with PVC piping, it is a very hard and rigid substance. So, to make it flexible, oils called plasticisers are added. And the kinds of plasticisers used have a bit bearing on how long it lasts.
Cast vinyl has the longest-lasting plasticisers, which is why it holds up to the weather and UV radiation so well.
The thickness of paint versus vinyl makes a big difference, too.
Paint on the surface of a sign is around 25 microns. However, a cast vinyl with UV laminate is around 100 microns – four times the thickness.
As you can see the UV has a lot more surface to break down, which is why vinyl is your best bet.
There is one small caveat – it all comes down the kind of vinyl you use. If you use a monomeric or a polymeric calendered vinyl, then it’s not going to give you the same kind of life.
These two products are designed for short to medium term graphics like corflute signs, roster signs, some metal signs (such as safety signs) and other signage that it only to be used for a specific time period.
Cast vinyl, which includes vehicle wrapping film, is the stuff that you’ll want when you want to have a long-term message.
Of course, there are times when only paint can be used, such as on brick walls, or on plaster (scratch-coat) surfaces. But vinyl on metal is going to outlast both of those.
One more tip – to make your sign last even longer, do what you would do for car paint. Wax it or polish it. You’ll make sure it’s bright and clean and have it even more resistant to UV degradation.
If you want your sign to last, Perth Graphics Centre has the know-how and the products to ensure you get years out of your signs. Give us a call to ask what we can do for you.